The best spring fishing trip in the northeast, I’ll take you and up to 3 guests, to the Rapid River via our 21’ Fully Canvassed Lund Alaskan. This is a truly unique experience.
We leave Wilson’s Mills early in the morning bundled up for the trip with our waders on and fly rods rigged. After a short drive to the boat launch, we jump in the boat and head down the lake to either Middle Dam or the outlet of the Rapid.
Within an hour and a half of leaving Wilson’s Mills, you will be fishing on the Rapid.
There is a very good reason why this river is known by any seasoned fly angler anywhere in the world. It is simply one of -and possibly the best brook trout havens in the United States.
This river is so special that there have been numerous studies done by the State of Maine and The University of New Hampshire where individual Brook trout have been fitted with radio tracking devices. These brook trout were actually tracked 12 from 12 months of the year. Each fall a team of divers observes the brook trout on their redds to gauge health of the population
The rapid can be a very busy place to fish at times in the spring, I know of places where large trout and salmon are caught that have very little angler pressure.